Hope Chuene Attorneys Incorporated
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Hope Chuene Attorneys – Road Accident Fund Claims Attorneys in Polokwane
What is (RAF) and what do Road Accident Fund Claims Attorneys in Polokwane do?
In South Africa, all users of South African roads within the country’s borders both citizens and foreigners are covered by a compulsory cover offered by the Road Accident Fund (RAF).
This cover is in the form of indemnity insurance to persons who caused an accident in resulting death and personal injury to a victim or victims of a motor vehicle accident. The RAF is responsible for compensation in accordance with the RAF act section 3 for loss or damages wrongfully caused by the driving of a motor vehicle.
The client who sustained injuries as a result of an accident is assisted with drafting documents and interacting with the interested parties to ensure a valid claim to (RAF).
The Road Accident Fund compensates for past and future medical expenses, Funeral expenses, past and present loss of earnings, the appointment of damages, past and future loss of support, and general damages.
You may claim from the Road Accident Fund if you can provide proof of all past and future medical expenses directly related to the injuries sustained in a vehicle or road accident. The medical expenses must be directly related to the injuries sustained in the third-party claim.
As an officer of the Court, it is our duty to uphold the law and ensure compliance with the rule of law by the parties involved in a representative capacity.

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The firm is led by a Director who is a zealous Attorney eager to provide compassionate legal counsel to deserving clients in law.
Our Purpose
To represent clients of the law firm in their various forms and level in pursuance of justice in the lawsuit.