Hope Chuene Attorneys Incorporated
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(+27) 66 487 1650
53 Landros Mare Street
NBS Building
4th Floor, Suit 409
Hope Chuene Attorneys – Divorce Attorneys in Polokwane
What do Divorce Attorneys in Polokwane do and what services do they offer?
Divorce attorneys in Polokwane handle all divorce and family court matters and cases, we explain the law regarding divorce and family court and offer our clients the available legal options to assist them with divorce and family court matters.
At Hope Chuene Attorneys Incorporated we protect our client’s rights and handle all the custody and financial aspects of their divorce to ensure a fair outcome.
A divorce matter can either be opposed or unopposed. In an unopposed matter, a settlement agreement is drafted and negotiated on behalf of the client whereas in an opposed divorce the firm will draft and exchange the necessary pleadings, subsequently drafting a comprehensive settlement agreement to conclude the proceedings which culminate into a decree of divorce.
As an officer of Court, it is our duty to uphold the law and ensure compliance with the rule of law by the parties involved in a representative capacity. Our philosophy is to restore hope in the justice system to the clientele of the company in their pursuit of justice through their legal suit.

Why Choose Us
Our Director
The firm is led by a Director who is a zealous Attorney eager to provide compassionate legal counsel to deserving clients in law.
Our Purpose
To represent clients of the law firm in their various forms and level in pursuance of justice in the lawsuit.