Hope Chuene Attorneys Incorporated
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(+27) 66 487 1650
53 Landros Mare Street
NBS Building
4th Floor, Suit 409
Hope Chuene Attorneys – Criminal Defense Attorneys in Polokwane
What does Criminal Defense Attorneys in Polokwane offer?
Criminal Defense Attorneys in Polokwane offer legal advice or defence in all criminal defence cases, criminal defence consists of legal protections afforded to people who have been accused of committing a criminal defence. This includes all matters surrounding an arrest, a criminal investigation, criminal charges, and court appeals where we then advise clients on their legal options. This entail alleged offences committed under the criminal code against the State.
Clients accused of criminal activities are ably assisted through the necessary bail application being section 59 A of CPA police bail or section 59 prosecutorial bail application and subsequently represented during the litigation process.
We have an extensive professional experience in the field of Law ensuring our clients that the deserving are professionally and zealously represented within the bounds of the law.
As an officer of Court, it is our duty to uphold the law and ensure compliance with the rule of law by the parties involved in a representative capacity.

Why Choose Us
Our Director
The firm is led by a Director who is a zealous Attorney eager to provide compassionate legal counsel to deserving clients in law.
Our Purpose
To represent clients of the law firm in their various forms and level in pursuance of justice in the lawsuit.