Hope Chuene Attorneys Incorporated
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(+27) 66 487 1650
53 Landros Mare Street
NBS Building
4th Floor, Suit 409
Hope Chuene Attorneys in Polokwane
As the Director of HOPE CHUENE ATTORNEYS INCORPORATED I have an extensive professional experience in the field of Law. I have worked as a Labour Law Practitioner overseeing compliance with Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 by presiding over disciplinary proceedings between Employer and Employee inclusive of representing parties in Labour Disputes in the Public Service for a period of 21 years.
I practiced for 3 years as an Advocate upon completion of PUPILAGE and subsequently admitted to practice as such by the High Court of South Africa.
I have since converted to an Attorney practicing on my own account under the name and style of HOPE CHUENE ATTORNEYS INC. I am a registered member of the Legal Practice Council on the roll of the practicing Attorneys, a member of South African Women Lawyers Association (SAWLA) as well as Black Lawyers Association (BLA)
The firm is led by a Director who is a zealous Attorney eager to provide compassionate legal counsel to deserving clients in law. The philosophy of HOPE CHUENE ATTORNEYS INC is to restore hope in the justice system to the clientele of the company in their pursuit of justice through their legal suit.
Our Mission
To carry out legal mandates in compliance with the provisions of the applicable law. To act and litigate on behalf of clients in the relevant and competent Court without fear, favor, or prejudice.
Our Vision

Why Choose Us
Our Director
The firm is led by a Director who is a zealous Attorney eager to provide compassionate legal counsel to deserving clients in law.
Our Purpose
To represent clients of the law firm in their various forms and level in pursuance of justice in the lawsuit.

Why Choose Us
Our Director
The firm is led by a Director who is a zealous Attorney eager to provide compassionate legal counsel to deserving clients in law.
Our Purpose
To represent clients of the law firm in their various forms and level in pursuance of justice in the lawsuit.